速報APP / 遊戲 / Killer Abducted VR

Killer Abducted VR





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本


Killer Abducted VR(圖1)-速報App

A brand new sci-fi FPS franchise exclusively for Android!

You are a Jack Danger, a contract killer that has been abducted by aliens. To escape the aliens clutches and impending doom you must retrieve the lost skulls and destroy all aliens on their spaceships and home planets in this action FPS VR game.

- Travel across 8* amazing levels, from inside spaceships, lost hallways and distant planets.

- Multiple Weapons and hidden rooms

- 3 difficulty levels

Killer Abducted VR(圖2)-速報App

- Blood soaked deaths and Rag Doll physics result in exciting action.

- mouth watering particle and lighten effects

Requires a VR headset such as Google Cardboard, Durovis Dive, Gear VR, Stooksy. and a blue tooth controller.

Note that a blue tooth controller is required to move and shoot in VR mode. To test whether your controller will work download the free VR game "zombie alien hunter VR".

Killer abducted - best Alien FPS VR game. Play with a controller and vr headset

Killer Abducted VR(圖3)-速報App

* more levels are coming soon.

Killer Abducted VR(圖4)-速報App